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Which is more superior: Religion or humanity?

Religion and humanity have always been entwined with one another, laced in a beautiful yet cryptic mess with their relationship continuously being restructured by society. Both exist in the mind, soul and heart of every individual, weaving webs of connection across the globe and fusing together communities. Sometimes, it can be deemed as too difficult to isolate the two concepts of humanity and religion. Discovering where one concept ends and the other begins is considered confusing, thus bringing the question of ‘is religion or humanity more superior’ to light.
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Only once you start to develop your understanding of the meaning behind the two notions of human interaction, do you begin to realise that humanity is far more superior to religion. Being the basis of society, humanity is the framework of how we, as humans, operate and interact. Without it, the world’s formation would crumble down and the world would become a chaotic mess of mistrust and disorder. Crime would significantly increase in numbers causing an unpleasant community, families would become destructive and fall apart, and the world would come to a crashing halt of turmoil and violence.
Although, religion is significant, it is the method in which we share our humanity. It is the way we are taught that we are all equal. It encourages us to develop and implement our kindness whenever possible and to not judge. It fills us with hope and faith, encouraging us to share such positivity to those around us. Therefore, religion is dependent on our humanity and is practised and preached with the use of compassion and hope. It guides our approach to the world and enables us to act in humane ways. Time and time again it is shown when humanity and religion combine, they do wonderful miracles to the world, co-existing to bring harmony and peace. 
However, when religion becomes separated from humanity, it can become quite harmful with lots of negative impacts.
Historically, without the compassion of humankind, religion has divided, weakened and insinuated fear upon the people, caused barriers and injuries that even today’s society has not forgiven or entirely healed from. Religion without humanity can be detrimental. We are reminded of the issues every time a debate of this sort comes to scrutiny, every time religion is even mentioned in passing. The world still has not forgiven or forgotten that religion has previously existed without humanity and it has been disastrous. 
Nevertheless when the situation is reversed and humanity exists without any religious connections, there is hardly any damage. When humanity is prioritised, there is no division, differences are respected, and the world is a more accepting, holier place. Humanity isn’t reliant on religion and occurs everywhere in life without needing any religious strongholds in place. 
There have been wars waged on religion. Whereas, humanity has created unions of peace.
There has been discrimination based purely on religions. Whereas, humanity has created connections.
There have been hate caused by religions. Whereas, humanity has created love and kindness. 
I am not in any way saying religion is bad, although it may seem that I am. Instead I am restating the idea that humanity is superior historically speaking and in this day and age it is more significant in the way of the world. 
One thing is clear: it is possible to be humane without religious however not religious without humanity. 
All religions are centred on peace. The whole essence of each and every religion is about your spiritual wellbeing and encouraging empathy. Without empathy, consequences occur. 
This is evident in all aspects of life. 
We are born with our humanity however it is our environment that allows us to open up to our respective religions, that gifts us with an opportunity to practise. If you’re born in an atheist household, rates suggest you’re less likely to ever follow a religion compared to if you are born into a religious housing. In this case, humanity is our nature and religion is our nurture. Although the two evidently co-exist, humanity subsists in our very structure. We follow religion, continue to preach and follow its teaching however humanity is a natural occurrence. We experience our human side, every time we get emotional, every time our heart feels a pang of guilt, every time we feel any range of emotion. That is what make humanity more important. It is what make everything else considerably less significant when compared. 
Thus, in the comparison of which one is superior, humanity undoubtedly wins every single time. Humanity exists everywhere. It’s in every individual’s mind, soul and heart, and it is of upmost importance that we to continue to remember and nourish our humanity. Remind yourself of it and continue to preach it. Allow it to provide guidance to every position in your life. 

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