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Importance of love in Life...

Fast moving world has given the whole human race a robotic attitude towards life or a really low mentality to live, talking of day to day life its less of living for hapiness and more of a profit and loss game which is being played by each and every individual. Self obsession and selfishness is the real trending attitude which is flowing out there. Then there is LOVE the word capable enough to bring back the human touch to the robotic human race. While people fighting for their own rights, love makes you lose yourself and celebrate your loss. It gives you enough patience and selflessness to find success and stay internally happy even, when at the same time you are getting shattered into pieces. It not just make you a good person it also motivates you to live a healthy life, not just living a good life but also makes a person responsible enough to take care of little things and these little caring attitude has the capability to gift you with infinite happiness. The divine thing love te