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Why periods leave is important for women ?

Women’s body suffers a lot more then a man body does and in spite of all this no-one is ready to take this thing seriously. Imagine if you’re sick and feel unable to work properly, What would be your first step? You’re going to call your boss and ask him to grant you sick leave, and as soon as you do this your boss will allow you for a day off (mostly) Right!

Now imagine a menstruating women, who’s body is screaming with pain, what is she supposed to do Now? When there is no such rule for menstrual leave, and talking about this is a taboo. So today is this blog you are going to have a look at the reasons why menstrual leave is so important for a women?

Period leave is an empowering idea:

In a society, where we are talking about gender equality and gender rights every next day, why do we let women suffer in silence and tears? Menstruation is not an easy time for anyone who is experiencing this. A women has to face Deadly cramps during the time of menstruation, some girls suffer from blood clotting which is even more painful. So it is really necessary to empower women to manage their periods easily, and the only way to do this is to grant them a 4-5 day leave. As for a working women its quite difficult during her menstruation to travel through buses, and to wear uncomfortable clothes (which is basically a requirement of any workplace). On the other hand if she gets permission to work from home during her periods it would be much more easier for her, as she can wear comfortable clothes, have some tea or coffee and dark chocolate which would really helpful in reducing pain.

There are still some menstruating individuals who fell shameful while talking about this openly and to take this advantage because they fell that period leave will hinder in their way to success and affect their working efficiency, yes this can be a case only when our government doesn’t take this decision of granting women period leave.

To eliminate this stereotype associated with menstruation from the society:

In this modern era full of technology and development we still feel shameful while talking about women's problems. Our society consider anything linking periods as a stigma. When you go to buy sanitary pad at market the shopkeeper first pack this in a newspaper piece and then into a black plastic bag and then finally after packing it properly he gives you that. We all are somewhere afraid of talking about this problem openly because no one else in our surrounding does. These things are somehow develop due to the old beliefs and stereotypes. Periods is a sign of shame for many just like in the past being a daughter was, although it is not that simple to eliminate these stereotypes from the society but we can achieve this by putting a small and consistent effort. In Europe and America these issues are now finally not a problem at all, But in the countries like India, Bangladesh , Pakistan , Afghanistan,  Women are still suffering from such problems. The only and quick way to overcome this problem is to talk about this problem and at least consider this as a problem because many still belief that period pain is something very normal as every women experience this, so there is no need to take this seriously. We need to eliminate such mindsets from our society in order to eliminate these stereotypes.

Period leave a Key to boost productivity:

It is a fact that when you’re not feeling well you can’t give your 100% to your work and this reduces your efficiency. However In case of man who has mild fever or cough he can explain his reasons easily and can have a day off from work and if not, so at least no one is going to judge him based on his performance because his surrounding knowns that he isn’t feeling well, but when a menstruating women has to perform her office work along with her households duties and also when she is suffering from deadly pain in different body parts, she has no excuse for her weak performance and her surrounding doesn’t know that what is she going through, so in that case it becomes really difficult for a female to manage all of that. On the contrary if during her periods she can have some days off from her work it will increase her working efficiency two times. She’ll be able to perform even better and as we know that females are more creative and quick learner as compared to male workers so it would have a great impact on our industries too. 

So there is a big need for periods leave for all those individuals of the society who suffers from menstruation including transgender and females.

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