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Showing posts with the label investing or saving

Why to invest rather than save

 -To my mind, savings and investments were the same thing, but when you sit down and think about it, they’re actually quite different. Saving vs. Investing Money - Saving money and investing money are entirely different things, with different purposes and different roles in your financial strategy. Making sure you are clear on this fundamental concept before you begin your journey to building wealth and finding financial independence is vital. What Is the Definition of Saving Money? Saving money is the process of setting cash aside and parking it in extremely safe securities or accounts. The money is also liquid, meaning cash can be accessed in a very short amount of time. What Is the Definition of Investing Money? Investing money is the process of using your money, or capital, to buy an asset that you think has a good probability of generating a safe and acceptable rate of return over time. How are saving and investment similar? Savers and investors both also rea