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Showing posts with the label Majoritarianism is not nationalism

Majoritarianism is not nationalism

Starting with the word Majoritarianism which reflects about the society in which a group or a community in majority will rule and set their own supremacy .  A renowned historian of ancient India professor of  JNU  Romila Thapar  in her live online lecture said , " Nationalism is the reflection of how people in a society think about their collective self . The collective means that everyone that constitutes the nation should be included as equal citizens .  But when nationalism is defined by a single identity , which can either be language or religion or even ethnicity , then nationalism gets derailed into majoritarianism . And majoritarianism is not nationalism . " She further said that struggle for independence had an inclusive nationalism of Indians opposed to British rule. But apart from these thoughts many people and politicians became so blind in love for Hinduism that they are not ready to understand the meaning of Nationalism. Their blind love is teaching them about Hi