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Showing posts with the label Need to protect Girl child

Need to protect Girl child

T he ‘girl child’ is not more special than the male child, neither is she more important than the male child. But this topic is treated vastly in schools, churches, mosques, social gatherings, or the social media today because in our societies from time immemorial, the ‘girl child’ has been seen as a mere property without any rights whatsoever or any say in the society.  In our society ,  the ‘girl child’ is often subjected to abuse, their rights as humans withheld from them, some of these abuses comes as; ✓ Early marriage: this is one of the common abuse as it is still practiced till this day. Being considered as a mere property that could be betrothed or sold off in marriage, especially married off to men way older than them. In situations like these, the ‘girl child’ has no say of whom she wishes to marry or if she wants to be married out at all. The ‘girl child’ could be married off as a peace treaty to another family or community, or as a symbol of family ties, or could be marrie