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Showing posts with the label How data science is changing the world?

How data science is changing the world?

Let us assume a situation when you as a student is trying to get admission without any knowledge of past records in field of academics or results of that particular school/college, or a situation when a stock trader is purchasing stocks without any idea of past performance of that particular stock . you will probably call this insanity . why would anyone walk into any  college having no past records or why any trader will purchase nasty stocks without analysing its past performances , we have graphs , we have data , we have records , isn't it ? From the very first day of our life , our parents start maintaining our data but for whom? what's the role ? why is it so? Well , to understand the role of data , we have to understand the purpose it serves not only to me , not only to you but probably all single species who can extract a conclusion from a set of organized or non-organized data . Today , humans have became so dependent on data that they cannot do any constructive and soc