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Secularism is the strength of Democracy

 Hinduism , the third largest religion of world is predominant for all Hindus and venerable too , not only in Asia but evidently in western countries too . Many scholars believe that Hinduism established its root around 4000 years ago but for many followers this is not the case , even as a follower , i do believe that Hinduism has its existence from the very first centenary of Satya Yuga and it is unclouded fact for every follower too . Even former president of united states , Barrack Obama in his book , wrote about ' Ramayana ' and ' Mahabharata ' ( the greatest of greatest epics for Hindus ) as a way for living life . Moreover , Hinduism is widely known for its preaching and its escalation of love . The most significant holy book of Hindus i.e. ' Bhagavad Geeta ' depicts about the love in such a way " Giving, receiving, sharing, and uniting are love’s way " which is indeed acceptable by all Hindus in some way but lacks in other . Hinduism has only taught us about Love , passion , compassion , faith , unity , respect , integrity and mutual acceptance of other's belief and to respect other's religion and this is the only aspect , where we are lacking ourselves . 

From the very first day of reception , our teacher teaches us one thing that ' God is one ' but we forget as we move through time , not only Hindus but Muslims and Christians too . we are struck with Ram , Allah and Jesus but we are not willing to believe that there is only one supreme who is calculating all our sins and is waiting for our sins to be filled up completely in pot . We have developed our consciousness towards extreme religion . Though , our holy books has only one fundamental aim of spreading love and unity but our past actions suggest something different . You must have heard of Samuel Paty , a 47 year old teacher of France was beheaded by his student just because he showed cartoons of Prophet Muhammad . You can't forget what happened in 1990 in India when our so called Hindutva leaders rationally started ' Rath Yatra ' which was believed , as a way towards Ram Raj but certainly it lead to , around more that 150 communal riots and killing of more than 500 people .Moreover , we can't forget what happened in Gujrat in 1969 and 2002 , riots of Muzaffarnagar and Bhagalpur , riots in Kashmir and yes Godhra train burning which is inevitable . These all riots were plotted on the central theme of Religion . This is just a one percent of list and if I open the entire list, the space will shrink . 

I just want to ask one thing to all those who believe that being a religion will have a detrimental effect on the religion of others , is your faith towards your religion is too frail that you can't celebrate your own festival without abusing the festival's of some other religion ? why you get so offended when it comes to some other religion ? Have you not believed so much in your Holy Books, because of which you are afraid of other's religion ? Why instead of celebrating your own custom , you are so busy in trending the abuse of other's religion ? why instead of supporting the minorities , we are indulged in repressing them in the name of religion ? Few political Organizations and parties have cleared their vision for Non-Secular country but why instead of questioning , we are just following ? What is the problem in Secular nation ? Can't you see the conditions of countries who had classified themselves on the basis of religion ? Condition is favorable only for political parties but what about citizens ? Can't we see the conditions of living of our neighbours ? Pakistan , Syria , Iran , Iraq and many more are the examples .  

Political parties are indeed doing their work of separatism but that doesn't mean , we blindly move towards the same path . Few misdeeds by few anti social elements should not be either praised and should not be even compelled to religion . Hitherto , it is difficult to cultivate the sense of unity among people who are mislead by few of our leaders but one should not forget that the politics and religion can not run for long . No matter , how sentimental we are towards our faith and custom but we cannot sell the prospect that we have earned together . It depends on you that whether you want to be a part of one , having lots of love or to bend your side towards the path of destruction and grief !


By Abhishek

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