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How to overcome depression?

Depression has been one of the most common reasons for suicidal cases across the globe. Many people have been so heavily burdened with the circumstances they face in all aspects of life, being the main root of depression. 

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Several studies and researches have been done in overcoming depression to preserve humanity.  However, a depressed person tends to do or decide things based on a current state of mind—resulting into death, no matter how much information he or she learned about the beauty of life amidst struggles. 

Before we learn how to overcome depression, we will have to dig first these three main causes of depression:

Broken relationships

Depression starts to be felt when we struggle with broken relationships within our circle. Relationship plays a vital role in human life. Maintaining a healthy and peaceful relationship is important for us to gain strength to make it through every single day, and for us to keep away from negative feelings possible. 

Failures in life

Generally, our failures in life depress us. We all fail in all aspects—in achieving our dreams or our parents’ dreams for us, in reaching the expectations of our loved ones, at our workplace, in maintaining high grades in school, in our relationships and in all things life. Not until we accept the fact that we are just human beings who are capable of failing and sinning, we will be suffering depression all through our lives. 

Death of loved ones

It is inevitable to feel pain when someone close to our hearts dies. Pain is normal, so as death. However, some of us struggle hard in accepting this reality. Thus, the death of a loved one is a depression for some. 

Now, how can we overcome depression? You see, the things that we mentioned above are our reality. Everyone is going through hard times in life. Life is difficult. Because life is difficult, we need strength to keep going. So, here is a list for us to learn in fighting the reality of life and overcoming depression:


Laying down the causes of depression above, we have to comprehend the truth that God allows everything to happen for a reason. Nothing happens in the world without His permission. Everything is under His control and sovereignty. 

If you are struggling about particular things in your life right now, accept that God is allowing it to happen to you because He sees that you can handle it. He wants you to learn something from that experience and He wants you to acknowledge His power and that without Him, you are absolutely nothing.

With that said, it is impossible for you to be depressed about life. There may be times when you feel sad but depression is never really an option. Learn that things in life are given to you by God not to hurt or break you, but for you to learn and grow in life. 

He is our father and it is His responsibility to teach us the right ways. He allowed the formation of us through our parents’ egg and sperm cells, how could He let us feel down because of the failing and broken things in our life? He wants us to be happy and to enjoy the life He gave us. To overcome depression, understand the truth that God is in control of all things. 


Learning to accept the truth that no one is perfect helps a lot in connection with our failures in life. Just like being mentioned above, each of us is capable of failing and sinning. We are far from perfection. 

It is not emotionally healthy to think about your sins and failures in life over and over again. Learn to move on. Never dwell in the things that happened already—it makes no sense at all. To overcome depression, accept deeply that everyone fails and sooner or later in life you will be successful and you will be a different person from who you are today. To help you keep going, embrace the reality of human imperfection. 


Talking to God through a prayer boosts self-esteem and renews strength—pray as often as possible. Learn to pray for wisdom for you to battle against life successfully without having to feel depressed even when trials come. In your prayer, ask God for strength to keep you going. Pray for forgiveness if you committed something against His will—“He is just to forgive us our sins…” (I John 1:9). You have to tell Him your heartaches—He is always there to listen to and comfort you. 


Your family is your number one support system. If you have emotional problems and you feel depressed, learn the habit of talking your feeling to them. Know that you can achieve far more in life when you know you are not alone. The enormous amount of stress and pressure is nothing when you know you have people to count on. If you are not comfortable sharing your struggles with your family, go to a trusted friend. You know, feelings are not meant to be kept all by yourself, feelings are meant to be shared. Go share it and let it go. 


Breathe in, breathe out. Take a break. Life is not a competition; you have to take rest when you feel tired. Don’t just keep on running in life, you have to slow down and walk at times, or if necessary, sit. To overcome depression, you have to give yourself the break you need to have. Hang out with friends or go a week or month vacation. Unwind. Pamper yourself with things you deserve. 

May the things we discussed above bring you the emotional strength you need to keep going in life. May you find this article helpful in overcoming against depression. Last words: Depression is unnatural, it is not given by God, you have to get rid of it. 

By Abhishek Kumar

Twitter : @abhishek260901


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