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Reasons why you must visit India

A country that truly defines the serene beauty of both landscape and culture , India shelters a diverse heritage and civilization that globetrotters thrive to take a glimpse at. This country is simply beautiful inside out since it preserves its contribution towards mankind with its deep rooted discoveries and history that remains under the shade . India is more than a country of snake charmers as assumed by many and rather it is defined by its steadfast culture and vibrant colors that simply captivates the most visionary discoverers and travelers in the world! Scrumptious Indian cuisine , enchanting folk culture , picturesque beauty of different landscapes , amusing festivals and spiritual tranquility are some of the top notch things tourists around the world keep in their bucket lists. Here are some reasons that may urge you to plan an itinerary around this beautiful country... Ancient Ruins and Monuments India is a place that has grown its roots from history that the world has witnes

Increasing mobile addiction due to online classes

 In today's world where even a child is using a mobile phone and that also even before learning to speak.Anyone of us can not yet imagine a world without our mobile phones. Technology in past few years have advanced to such an extent that to imagine a wireless world has not just remained a mere dream for homo-sapiens. The way our world is approaching technology  is so fast that you can not pin-point the moment in which you will enter into the future technological world leaving behind the present world.It should not surprise you if i say that- " Technology has replaced the importance of oxygen in the daily lives of this generation." Imagine can you spend a day or two without any technology, living a natural life as any normal species other than us do?? I guess it is a perfect no for anyone reading this without any doubt.  During this most difficult time of our lives that is the lockdown due to coronavirus pandemic on loose , mobile phones have become our source of entertai

How data science is changing the world?

Let us assume a situation when you as a student is trying to get admission without any knowledge of past records in field of academics or results of that particular school/college, or a situation when a stock trader is purchasing stocks without any idea of past performance of that particular stock . you will probably call this insanity . why would anyone walk into any  college having no past records or why any trader will purchase nasty stocks without analysing its past performances , we have graphs , we have data , we have records , isn't it ? From the very first day of our life , our parents start maintaining our data but for whom? what's the role ? why is it so? Well , to understand the role of data , we have to understand the purpose it serves not only to me , not only to you but probably all single species who can extract a conclusion from a set of organized or non-organized data . Today , humans have became so dependent on data that they cannot do any constructive and soc

Need to protect Girl child

T he ‘girl child’ is not more special than the male child, neither is she more important than the male child. But this topic is treated vastly in schools, churches, mosques, social gatherings, or the social media today because in our societies from time immemorial, the ‘girl child’ has been seen as a mere property without any rights whatsoever or any say in the society.  In our society ,  the ‘girl child’ is often subjected to abuse, their rights as humans withheld from them, some of these abuses comes as; ✓ Early marriage: this is one of the common abuse as it is still practiced till this day. Being considered as a mere property that could be betrothed or sold off in marriage, especially married off to men way older than them. In situations like these, the ‘girl child’ has no say of whom she wishes to marry or if she wants to be married out at all. The ‘girl child’ could be married off as a peace treaty to another family or community, or as a symbol of family ties, or could be marrie

Secularism is the strength of Democracy

 Hinduism , the third largest religion of world is predominant for all Hindus and venerable too , not only in Asia but evidently in western countries too . Many scholars believe that Hinduism established its root around 4000 years ago but for many followers this is not the case , even as a follower , i do believe that Hinduism has its existence from the very first centenary of Satya Yuga and it is unclouded fact for every follower too . Even former president of united states , Barrack Obama in his book , wrote about ' Ramayana ' and ' Mahabharata ' ( the greatest of greatest epics for Hindus ) as a way for living life . Moreover , Hinduism is widely known for its preaching and its escalation of love . The most significant holy book of Hindus i.e. ' Bhagavad Geeta ' depicts about the love in such a way " Giving, receiving, sharing, and uniting are love’s way " which is indeed acceptable by all Hindus in some way but lacks in other . Hinduism has only ta

Importance of love in Life...

Fast moving world has given the whole human race a robotic attitude towards life or a really low mentality to live, talking of day to day life its less of living for hapiness and more of a profit and loss game which is being played by each and every individual. Self obsession and selfishness is the real trending attitude which is flowing out there. Then there is LOVE the word capable enough to bring back the human touch to the robotic human race. While people fighting for their own rights, love makes you lose yourself and celebrate your loss. It gives you enough patience and selflessness to find success and stay internally happy even, when at the same time you are getting shattered into pieces. It not just make you a good person it also motivates you to live a healthy life, not just living a good life but also makes a person responsible enough to take care of little things and these little caring attitude has the capability to gift you with infinite happiness. The divine thing love te

Secularism vs communalism

Secularism and Communalism are the two different social ideologies. In simple words, the former one stands with the belief that religion should not influence or be involved in the organization of society, education, government, etc.   On the other hand,   the attempts to construct religious or ethnic identity, incite strife among people from different communities, and to stimulate communal violence between those groups, comes under the definition of communalism. The world has over 200 countries as a secular state, among which China, India, United States, Indonesia, Pakistan, Brazil, Bangladesh, Japan, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, South Africa, South and North Korea, Iraq, Poland, Sri Lanka,  are the most popular ones. Even though Hindu nationalists did not participate in the Constituent Assembly to draft the country’s constitution, Hindu traditionalists were all present in the making of the constitution. There was a lot of pressure on Nehru and B. R. Ambedkar, but they still